Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas 2008

Clayton asked that they(him and Angela) be able to sleep in somewhat this year. I guess Santa isn't as important once you're older to give up your sleep anymore.
Arvil and I allowed them to sleep in until 8 am or so...then we all just had to open up our gifts, but then had another session, once Pamela, Jon and the kids showed up from Oregon and ate Christmas Dinner.

Christmas gifts included: Comforters, Air popcorn popper, Shirts, Pants, Bed Sheets, Socks, a Knife Sharpener, Throw rugs, I-pod shuffle, sweatshirts, ATV hand warmers and cover, gift cards, candy, family memories, ski goggles, Photo Frames and much more...

The kiddo's got tractors, dolls, necklaces, learning books, toys that make noise, sunday dresses, sunday outfits, shirts, pants, ATM cash banks, MP3 kids player, DVD, Games Walkie Talkies, Glass figurines and oh so much more...

Pamela and Jon received: a spliting mull, hand tools, under the counter CD/Radio player, a vanity stool, a laminator w/sheets, new marker sets, a 2009 calendar, DVD...