Here I am, sitting at my computer for the 4th time today, going in and out of websites, trying to decide what music I want, what pictures or gadgets do I want to add to my Blog...around and around to this and that, saving this, changing that, trying to add pictures to no avail. Some things go right, then other times...SMACK, your stomach drops out from under you. Everything that you just spent 2 hours doing is GONE...What did I do? Where did it go? How can I get it back or can I? Now I have to do it all over it worth it, so family and friends can see my progress, Or do I say, NOPE...I'll settle for what I have...Good Luck to me next time I sit down to do something...or do I swallow my pride, Get on the phone, ask how someone how did they do that cool thing...or by dang just say, I'm going to figure this out...
Needless to say, I can be stubborn at times...So here's to me that I'll get the hang of this blogging real soon. Or it could just be the death of me!
I added the link to my layout page onto my blog. I still think your pictures might be to big. If you can edit them at all, then I'd try and shrink the pixel size or something like that. Good Luck!
Sue, I read your blog last night and felt so bad for you, I know what it is like to feel like pulling your hair out over these dang computers. I am thrilled that you stuck with it and got your slide show uploaded and running correctly. I enjoyed every second. Thanks so much for sharing your family.
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